Seven Hills High School – Electrical Upgrade
Ryan Wilks completed an electrical upgrade project at Seven Hills High School located in Western Sydney.
The project involved the following works:-
- Installation of a new 500kVA pad mount transformer at the front of the school and associated works including new fencing and gates as per Endeavour Energy and department of Education requirements.
- A new external main switchboard and power factor correction unit was supplied, installed and commissioned by Ryan Wilks.
- A new set of consumer mains were installed from the new substation via a new distribution pillar to the main switchboard through an external trenched area.
- The existing main switchboard in an electrical cupboard was decommissioned and was replaced with a new main distribution board. Existing circuits were reconnected and recommissioned from the new main distribution board.
- Installation of 6 x new submains in various blocks of the school.
- Modification of an existing distribution board to provide available capacity for the school to run air conditioning units.
- Installation of new emergency lighting with lighting test switches.
Ryan Wilks were able to co-ordinate the works with the school principal to minimise any disruptions to the school.
The project was able to be successfully completed by the Ryan Wilks team meeting the client’s requirements and providing proven success of Ryan Wilks project delivery for educational facilities.